Dean Lumia
I am a Nationally Certified Personal Trainer, Corrective Exercise Specialist,Stretching and flexibility Coach, with NASM. For me, fitness, activity, movement, and exercise has always been a passion of mine. I picked up anything sports related very quickly but academics were always challenging. When I first worked as a fitness aid at Oakland Athletic Club in the late 90’s I remember asking the trainers what they had to do to get certified to be a trainer. At that time, I was just a “fitness aid” looking to get certified as a legit trainer. It sounded so hard to pass the tests they were telling me that I needed to pass and what I needed to understand to pass. School was always challenging but I knew I would find a way to succeed at it so I can work my dream job. I studied for hours making sure that I could pass the test and I did! I have been a certified personal trainer since 2001. I knew I had a gift to coach people and it is my calling to pass this gift on thru Personal Training.
After getting certified, I was excited to teach people about fitness and exercise because I quickly learned this sense of accomplishment that one gets after a great workout! The energy you get from it, the mind clearing and motivation you get from a well put together intense well balanced workout, simply carries over into other areas in your life is amazing. It’s just a super positive thing. And I really liked the physical changes I was getting such as lean muscle and definition. It’s this positive and controlling factor that you get, this sense of satisfaction. This power, this sense of control and achieving of success, motivation and you feel like you can move mountains. How could I not want to share that with others?! Now I have 20 years experience helping hundreds of clients achieve their health and wellness goals!
I am looking for clients who are motivated to make a positive change in their lives. They are ready to feel better, look better, have more energy and open up their mind to more positive ideas, opportunities and achieve goals that they have set for themselves. Everybody needs a coach. I will be that coach that takes your fitness to the next level and makes sure you get to your health and fitness goals. No matter if you are a fitness junkie for years or a total newbie, or somewhere in the middle. I can challenge you and show you the way.
Specializations: weight loss, Muscle Building, metabolic conditioning, strength or cardio circuits, fitness boxing, general fitness, core training, bodybuilding.